The facades of a building visible from a street play an important role in contributing to the amenity and attractiveness of an area. Facades should therefore be designed to have a pleasing scale and appearance, proportion and rhythm, solid-to-void relationship and materiality. Care and attention should be given to their design to ensure the building stands up to critical observation from near and afar. It is essential that all building elevations are considered and designed as an integral part of the overall development. We should always Follow building lines and setbacks.
A common building line creates a continuity of building frontages and provides definition and enclosure of the street. This enhances the public realm and assists in integrating a new building into an existing built environment. Where buildings are set back, ensure the resulting outdoor spaces are useable and attractive.
Design facades to have a pleasing scale, proportion and rhythm, and solid-to-void relationship.
Ensure facades contribute to an interesting and lively public realm by incorporating: